Quick view TN746 16-Port Analog Circuit Pack CALL 888-832-4789 The TN746 (in-building only) meets the needs of most analog line applications requiring a single voice terminal. LED message waiting indicators are not supported off-premises. Each port supports one... Compare
Quick view TN746B 16-Port Analog Circuit Pack CALL 888-832-4789 The TN746B supports on-premises (in-building) wiring with either DTMF or rotary dialing and with or without the LED and neon message waiting indicators. The TN746B supports off-premises wiring... Compare
Quick view TN747B 8-Port Central Office Trunk Circuit Card CALL 888-832-4789 The TN747B has eight ports for loop-start or ground-start CO, foreign exchange (FX), and Wide Area Telecommunications (WATS) trunks. Each port has Tip and Ring signal leads. A port can be connected... Compare
Quick view TN748C Tone Detector CALL 888-832-4789 The TN748C/D has four Dual Tone Multi-Frequency (DTMF) receivers and two general purpose tone receivers to detect call progress tones, modem answer-back tones, transmission test tones, and noise. The... Compare
Quick view TN748D Tone Detector CALL 888-832-4789 The TN748C/D has four Dual Tone Multi-Frequency (DTMF) receivers and two general purpose tone receivers to detect call progress tones, modem answer-back tones, transmission test tones, and noise. The... Compare
Quick view TN750B Announcement Circuit Pack CALL 888-832-4789 The TN750 and TN750B record and store announcements to be played back on demand as part of a calling feature. The TN750 has sampling rates of 16, 32, or 64 kbps. The TN750 records announcement times... Compare
Quick view TN750C Announcement Circuit Pack CALL 888-832-4789 The TN750C records and stores announcements that can be played back on demand as part of a calling feature. The TN750C is required for the Multiple Integrated Announcements feature. However, the... Compare
Quick view TN753 Direct Inward Dial Trunk Circuit Card CALL 888-832-4789 The TN753 has eight ports used for immediate-start and wink-start DID trunks. Each port on a TN753 has Tip and Ring signal leads. For Czechoslovakia and the Commonwealth of Independent States, TN753... Compare
Quick view TN754 4-Wire DCP Digital Line Circuit Pack CALL 888-832-4789 The TN754 and TN754B each have eight asynchronous Digital Communications Protocol (DCP) ports connected to 4-wire terminals such as the 7400 and 8400-series digital voice terminals, attendant... Compare
Quick view TN754B 4-Wire DCP Digital Line Circuit Pack CALL 888-832-4789 The TN754 and TN754B each have eight asynchronous Digital Communications Protocol (DCP) ports connected to 4-wire terminals such as the 7400 and 8400-series digital voice terminals, attendant... Compare
Quick view TN756 Tone Detector CALL 888-832-4789 The TN756 has four Dual Tone Multi-Frequency (DTMF) receivers and two general-purpose tone receivers to detect call progress tones, modem answerback tones, transmission test tones, and noise. The... Compare
Quick view TN760C Tie Trunk CALL 888-832-4789 The TN760 has four ports used for Type 1 or Type 5 four-wire E & M lead signaling tie trunks, that can be automatic, immediate-start, wink-start, and delay-dial. Each port on the TN760 has T, R, T1,... Compare
Quick view TN762B Hybrid Line Circuit Card CALL 888-832-4789 The TN762B has eight ports connecting to multi-appearance hybrid analog and digital voice terminals. It can connect to AT&T 7300 series telephones, an MDC-9000 (cordless telephone), and an MDW-9000... Compare